Practice Policies & Patient Information
All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present for any consultation, examination or procedure where they feel one is required. The chaperone may be a family member or friend. On occasions you may prefer a formal chaperone to be present i.e. a trained member of staff.
Wherever possible we would ask you to make this request at the time of booking your appointment so that arrangements can be made and your appointment is not delayed in any way. Where this is not possible, we will endeavour to provide a formal chaperone at the time of request. However, it may be necessary to re-schedule your appointment.
Your healthcare professional may also require a chaperone to be present for certain consultations in accordance with our Chaperone Policy.
A copy of our Chaperone Information Leaflet can be downloaded here or if you have any questions or comments regarding this, please contact the Practice Manager.
Complaints Procedure
Extended Salford Lung Study (“Ex-SLS”) Data Access Project
If you signed up for this study, you agreed to the terms of an Informed Consent Form. The terms of this have not changed, however, please read this document about Data Protection and the Extended Salford Lung Study.
Freedom of Information Act
Information available from Ordsall Health Surgery under the Freedom of Information Act model publication scheme can be obtained from our Practice Manager.
GP Gross Earnings
All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.
The average pay for GPs working in Ordsall Health Surgery in the last financial year 2022-23 was £61,756 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 6 part time who worked in the practice for more than six months.
Patient Charter
The doctors and staff are committed to providing a high quality medical service to our patients, and to treat all patients and visitors with respect and courtesy. We will endeavour to provide you with or direct you to such diagnostic, therapeutic and preventative services as will ensure the best outcome for your problems within the constraints of what is possible, reasonable and practicable.
We ask that patients and their families treat us with respect and courtesy. The practice has a policy of removing any patient from our list who is verbally or physically abusive towards staff or other patients.
Patient Preference of Practitioner
All registered patients have the right to express a preference to receive services from a particular Doctor, either generally or in relation to any particular condition; such preferences will be recorded by the Practice.
The Practice will endeavor to comply with any reasonable preference, but need not do so if the preferred performer has reasonable grounds for refusing to provide services to the patient or if the performer does not routinely perform the services in question within the Practice.
Patient Rights
You have the right to confidentiality under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), the Human Rights Act 1998 and the common law duty of confidence (the Disability Discrimination and the Race Relations Acts may also apply).
- You also have the right to ask for a copy of all records about you (you may have to pay a fee)
- Your request must be made in writing to the organisation holding your information
- There may be a charge to have a printed copy of the information held about you
- We are required to respond to you within 21 days
- You will need to give adequate information (for example full name, address, date of birth NHS number etc.,)
- You will be required to provide id before any information is released to you.
Patients Responsibilities
Every UK resident has the right to be registered with a GP Practice.
- Use your NHS services wisely, if you have an appointment booked but then don’t need it or can’t make it, then please remember to contact the surgery and cancel it.
- Everyone will be treated with dignity and respect – patients and staff alike.
- If you change your address or telephone number, please inform your GP Practice so that they have accurate information if they need to contact you.
RCGP Accredited Practice
Ordsall Heath Surgery is proud to announce they have been awarded the prestigious Royal College of General Practitioners Practice Accreditation award.
We are the first practice in Salford to have achieved the award and only 6 other practices in the UK have been awarded it.
Practices have 24 months to complete the process and once accredited retain the award for three years. To achieve the award practices have to demonstrate that they meet 78 quality standards. These standards cover a wide range of key areas in general practice, like addressing health inequalities, practice management, premises management, working as a team, being a learning organisation and supporting patients and carers.
The Practice Accreditation standards have been developed in partnership with the University of Manchester and in collaboration with the General Medical Council, Royal College of Nursing, Care Quality Commission, Department of Health, NHS Confederation Primary Care Trusts and Patient Participation Groups. The rigorously tested framework enables practice teams to review and improve the quality of care they offer their patients.
Staff at Ordsall Health Surgery began their journey towards accreditation in September 2011 and completed it in October 2013. The process was lead by Dr Katharine Saxby the senior partner. Her focus and enthusiasm was the driving force behind the award, ensuring the team worked together and that contributions from across the practice were on time.
Dr Katharine Saxby said: “We are delighted to receive this award. At Ordsall Health Surgery, the whole team strive to deliver high quality primary health care, and this award, just a year after moving to our new purpose-built surgery, is like the icing on the cake. It is a fantastic achievement of the practice. We have worked exceedingly hard as a practice to develop and improve the services we offer and would like to thank all our staff and our patients for their help and contribution to this process.“
SCR Info
Information Website
Summary Care Records on the NHS Digital website.
Information Leaflets & Opt-Out Form
Transferring Your Electronic Health Record
Your GP practice holds copies of your patient health record electronically and in paper format. Both contain the healthcare information about you that your GP needs including your medical history, medications, allergies, immunisations and vaccinations.
If you have previously registered with a different GP in England, upon registering at this practice your electronic health record will, where possible, be transferred automatically from your previous practice through the use of an NHS system called GP2GP.
Your Health Care Record Privacy and Data Sharing
There are a number of situations where your medical records are shared outside of Ordsall Health Surgery. These are as follows: (Please follow this link for more information) Please also see the downloadable diagram of the various data flows and opt out options. Information about drugs, allergies, key medical conditions are linked to your demographic data (e.g. name, address, date of birth, NHS number & contact details). This can be accessed by any health care provider across the NHS should you need care in another area say when on holiday. More information can be found about Summary Care Records here. You are automatically opted into this. You cannot opt out of sharing of your demographic data, but you can choose to opt out of the sharing in 3 different levels For the last 2 options, please complete and return the SCR Patient consent preference form. From 1 September 2021 some of your health record will be provided from your GP record in a pseudo-anonymised form. This means that all your demographic data is removed (like name, date of birth, address) and a unique code is used. Not all your data is collected, but only main structured and coded information and not the description text. For example, at a consultation a GP may code ‘chest infection’ and in the description text they might add detail about how long there has been a cough etc, and details of findings at clinical examination. It will also not include letters & photos. The information is then used for the very important work of research and planning e.g. responding to the COVID 19 pandemic. Rarely, the unique code can be used to trace the record back to your details. You can find out more information from the NHS data sharing weblink. Should you wish to opt out there are 2 opt out options, you may want to do one or both: Please note that during the COVID 19 Pandemic the practice is legally required to provide your data. You can find out more information relating to this subject from the General practice transparency notice for GPES data for pandemic planning and research (COVID-19) and from the NHS general Privacy Notice. Your health and social care information is shared across Greater Manchester to help provide you with good care e.g. should you be admitted to a hospital in another part of Greater Manchester the doctor or nurse there can access vital information in your record. More detailed information is held in this than is provided in the Summary Care Record and is collated from other providers e.g. hospitals and mental health services as well as GP practices. You can find out more information from the Greater Manchester Care record and the Health Innovation Manchester guidance links. The GM Care Record is also being used for research & planning services during the pandemic under current legislation and in the future it is hoped that is will be able to be used for this once further information governance requirements are in place. The Salford Integrated Record, a bit like the Greater Manchester Care Record, links data from health care providers in Salford. This is not used for direct patient care now as it used to be (that role has been taken over by the Greater Manchester Care Record) but is used for research and planning purposes. If you opt out using the Local Data Sharing Opt Out, your data will not be shared with Greater Manchester Care Record or Salford Integrated Record. You can choose to opt out your GP data being provided to the Greater Manchester Care Record & the Salford Integrated Record by downloading and completing the Local Data Sharing Opt Out form . Please note that your GP may wish to discuss this with you. For more detailed information on how we take care of your records please read the practice Privacy Notice This practice is supporting vital coronavirus (COVID-19) planning and research by sharing your data with NHS Digital. For more information about this see the General Practice Transparency Notice for GPES Data for Pandemic Planning and Research (COVID-19). Data Extraction relating to COVID19 Information In common will all other GP Practices, the Surgery is legally obliged to extract personal confidential data from our patients’ GP records and upload them to NHS Digital for COVID-19 pandemic planning and research purposes.Introduction
For your personal care
e.g. When we do a referral for you to a specialist at the hospital we include information like your main past medical history, drugs & allergies
At your request and authorisation
e.g. For an insurance report, or Subject Access Request
When we are required by law
e.g. court order, in the interests of public safety, Department of Work & Pensions reports, Coroners reports
Summary Care Record
Key summary medical information is held on the NHS database along with your demographic data . (See below)
NHS Digital
Your medical record is used for important national research and planning. (See below)
Greater Manchester Care Record & Salford Integrated Record
Your medical record is linked with information from other health and social care providers across Greater Manchester. (See below)
Transferring your electronic record
When you move practices, your data that is held electronically will be transferred to your new practice.
Summary Care Records
NHS Digital
Greater Manchester Care Record & Salford Integrated Record
Further information & Privacy Statement
General Practice Transparency Notice for GPES Data for Pandemic Planning and Research (COVID-19).
GPES Data Extraction for Pandemic Planning and Research (COVID-19)
Zero Tolerance to Violent Behaviour Policy
All practices, in line with government guidelines, have a Zero Tolerance Policy November 2024 (website version) This means that any violent or abusive behaviour or perceived threatening behaviour, whether verbal or otherwise to staff or members of the public on practice premises will not be tolerated. We can refuse to provide a service, report the incident to the Police and request that the patient and their family be removed from their Practice list.
Please follow this link to understand why this policy is required.