Registering with Us

Practice Catchment Area

The practice area is shown with our catchment area marked.

Non-urgent advice: Important

Although the postcode check for “Regent Plaza” on Oldfield Road confirms that this address is in the practice catchment area, on the map it actually sits outside the practice boundary, so residents of this development will be unable to register at this Medical Practice as a patient.

Patients wishing to register from the True Building on King William St. Salford, must include the following information: Building Number & Room number. Without this information you will not be able to register as a patient.

Catchment Area

If you are unsure if you live in our practice catchment area you can also contact a member of our reception team to confirm whether you are eligible to register here. 

If you change your name and address, email address or telephone number please inform us as soon as possible. There are a number of ways you can tell us about a change of address. If you move out of the practice area, you will be required to re-register with a more local practice.

How to Register as a Patient

If you live in our practice catchment area (see above) you can join our list. You can register using the online application form below or visit the practice for further assistance. You will be required to provide the following information:

  • Proof of address

For non-english speakers an Interpretation service can be arranged with prior notice of requirement. Please advise Reception staff in advance if this is required.

How to Register your New Baby

You need to register your new baby at the practice as soon as possible. Therefore please download and complete a GMS1 Registration Form (also available from reception) and send it to your surgery, or register online as above. Please ensure you provide your baby’s NHS Number which will be detailed in their Red Book. Once we have received the form we will register your baby as a patient at this Practice.

6 weeks after your baby’s birth you will need to book an appointment for a mother’s post-natal check with a GP. This will be a telephone consultation.

You will also receive a letter through the post inviting you to an appointment around 8 weeks after birth for a baby check up at our Baby Clinic. This is held on a Tuesday at 10.00am and your baby’s 1st course of routine immunisations will be given at this appointment. All other Baby immunisations are then booked through the Reception team after this. Please remember to bring the red book to these appointments. If you cannot make this appointment you must notify reception as soon as possible. Please be advised that if you do need to cancel, the next available appointment may be anything up to 4 weeks after that date.

Temporary Residents

The Doctors are happy to see patients who are temporarily resident in the Practice area should medical advice be required. In this instance persons wishing to be treated should state that they are a temporary resident when reporting to reception.

To register you will need to download and complete our Temporary Resident Registration form (GMS 3) (which is also available from reception)

GP Choice. Registering If You Live Outside the Area

GP practices have, from January 2015, been allowed to register patients who live outside their practice area. These patients would be registered for routine care, but not for home visits.

Ordsall Health Surgery has carefully considered this optional service and has decided not to take part in the scheme. The practice is concerned about gaps in clinical care of patients that may result from the scheme, as well as the additional workload implications for the practice.

Our aim remains to provide high quality care to our patients and taking part in this scheme, we feel, puts that at risk.

Accountable Named GP for All Patients

All patients registered at Ordsall Health Surgery have a named doctor who has overall responsibility for your care and support. Your registered GP is also your named accountable and your allocated GP. Your allocated GP will be responsible for the provision of your healthcare. If you choose to see another doctor at the surgery you are entirely free to go on doing so exactly as before.

If you are unsure of who is your named Doctor please ask at reception.

New patients are allocated a Doctor on Registration.